OpenPlant Modeler Help

Cached Dynamic Views

Cached Dynamic Views is a utility that enables Dynamic View results to be "Cached". This option is available in the a References dialog, under the Visible Edges Display option.

The Cached Visible Edges option stores the edges for a drawing or sheet attachment in an intelligent cache that associates the edges with their underlying geometry. When an attachment is set to Cached, it performs a snapshot of the geometry when the cache was generated. The cached visible edges display will not change to reflect model changes until the cache is reloaded.

Although the cached visible edges display is static, in the sense that it does not dynamically reflect the state of the model, it is not disconnected from the model. If the source model is present, the cached visible edge display maintains its connection to that model. So selecting an element in a cached visible edge display works the same as the dynamic display and the element properties and links are available. If the underlying geometry is modified or deleted, the cached visible edges display reflects this state in the tooltip of the element that is modified or deleted.